Sarb Lester Manager of Littlemore Charitable Trust Speaking at the Club Dinner Meeting
Sarb thanked the club for the support that it provides Littlemore through its Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter project which is held in May each year. She also told members about the origins of Littlemore and its vision.
The vision is to ensure every baby in Auckland has everything they need to keep them safe and warm.
The focus is on the first year of a baby’s life and Littlemore is one of the few, if not the only organisation that focusses on new born babies whereas others tend to spread wider across a broader age range.
Too many of the babies needing support are the result of break downs in families, family violence, social isolation and so on. Littlemore can intervene quickly usually within a day or two, although Covid did present many challenges.
The organisation relies heavily on donations and volunteers, there is no Government funding. With over 5500 babies receiving an estimated $2.4M worth of goods from over 7300 supporters the organization delivered an amazing amount of support to needy families in the Auckland area in the last year.